Tactics of a Narcissistic Mother by Gail Meyers

The Mask Slipped...

The Mask Slipped by Artist Sheritta Ra of Deviant Art, Used on Tactics for Several Years with Written Permission
The Mask Slipped by Artist Sherita Ra of Deviant Art Used with Written Permission

Tactics of a Narcissistic Mother

This insight into narcissistic personality disorder is offered from the perspective more than 40 years spent as the daughter of a narcissistic personality disordered mother, as well as years of recovery and raising awareness. Reading a list of diagnostic traits of narcissistic personality disorder may be a helpful guide, but this is how some of those traits played out in my personal experience in everyday life.


Eleanor D. Payson, MSW Quote
Eleanor D. Payson, MSW Quote | Source
In the words of Eleanor D. Payson, MSW and author of The Wizard of Oz and Other Narcissists, "The word narcissism in its most fundamental sense means a tendency to self-worship."
However, narcissistic personality personality disorder is a serious condition that can be especially damaging to the children. It is not just a shallow or self-centered person, but a fixed personality disorder that does not change. It can take decades for the children of a narcissistic personality disordered mother to recognize narcissism as an issue - many never do.

One of the goals of Echo Scapegoat Recovery Tactics is to educate the sons and daughters of narcissists about narcissistic tactics in order to facilitate the ability to recognize, name and articulate their experiences. This article is an overview of narcissistic tactics, but the more in-depth articles are each topic can be referred to for fuller and more in-depth reading.

This article discusses gaslighting, poisoning the well or smear campaigns, playing the victim while vilifying true victims, scapegoating, and the silent treatment.

Read more Tactics of a Narcissistic Mother by Gail Meyers


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